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Use-case Descriptions

Use Case 1: Mock Interview

Actor: A recent graduate is somewhat uncertain about their problem-solving skills and wants to prepare for upcoming job interviews by practicing on Whiteboard Assistant.

Pre-Condition: The user is logged into the Whiteboard Assistant application and is on the main dashboard.

Post-Condition: The user receives immediate feedback on their answer.

Main Success Scenario

  1. The user selects the “Start Interview” button on the dashboard.
  2. The system displays a new interview question on the digital whiteboard.
  3. The user writes their solution on the whiteboard.
  4. The system provides real-time feedback on the user's answer.

Use Case 2: Digital Whiteboard

Actor: A student who learns best through visual methods and needs a space to draw out answers for problem-solving.

Pre-Condition: The user has started an exercise and is on the digital whiteboard screen.

Post-Condition: The user successfully draws, edits, or erases their responses on the whiteboard.

Main Success Scenario

  1. The user starts an exercise.
  2. The system presents a digital whiteboard interface for answering questions.
  3. The user uses a stylus or finger to write on the whiteboard.
  4. The user erases or deletes content as needed.
  5. The user can undo or redo individual pen strokes.

Use Case 3: AI Assistant

Actor: A user who is practicing for technical interviews and occasionally needs hints to overcome challenging questions.

Pre-Condition: The user is logged in, has started a practice problem, but is uncertain about their approach.

Post-Condition: The user receives AI-generated guidance on how to proceed with the question.

Main Success Scenario

  1. The user selects a question to answer.
  2. The user becomes unsure of how to proceed.
  3. The user clicks the "Request a Hint" button.
  4. The system generates a hint or guiding question based on the user's current work.

Use Case 4: Account Creation

Actor: A new user who wants to use Whiteboard Assistant and set up their profile quickly to start practicing.

Pre-Condition: The user has opened the Whiteboard Assistant application for the first time.

Post-Condition: A new account is created for the user, and they are logged in.

Main Success Scenario

  1. The user opens the Whiteboard Assistant application.
  2. The user selects "Create Account."
  3. The user links an existing Google or Facebook account through OAuth.
  4. The system confirms the account creation and logs the user in.

Use Case 5: Account Deletion

Actor: A user who has decided to stop using Whiteboard Assistant and wants to remove their account and all related data.

Pre-Condition: The user is logged into Whiteboard Assistant and has navigated to their settings/preferences menu.

Post-Condition: The user's account and data are removed from the Firebase database.

Main Success Scenario

  1. The user accesses the preferences drop-down menu.
  2. The user selects "Delete Account."
  3. The system prompts the user to confirm by re-authenticating via OAuth.
  4. The system deletes the user’s profile and all associated data from Firebase.

Use Case 6: User Practice History

Actor: A user who wants to track their progress and review feedback on previous practice problems.

Pre-Condition: The user is logged into Whiteboard Assistant.

Post-Condition: The user can review past questions and feedback.

Main Success Scenario

  1. The user logs into their Whiteboard Assistant account.
  2. The user accesses the "Previous Questions" table via the hamburger menu on the homepage.
  3. The user clicks on a specific question from the history list.
  4. The system displays the question, AI-generated feedback, and the user’s speech emotion score.
  5. The user reviews the feedback and closes the view.

Use Case 7: Hints

Actor: A user who is answering a question but gets stuck and requires guidance to continue.

Pre-Condition: The user is answering a question but is unsure how to proceed.

Post-Condition: The user receives a helpful hint or guiding question based on their work so far.

Main Success Scenario

  1. The user begins answering a question but encounters difficulty.
  2. The user clicks the "Hint" button.
  3. The system analyzes the user’s current work and generates a hint or leading question.
  4. The user receives AI-generated guidance.

Use Case 8: Unexpected Exit

Actor: A user who accidentally exits the application mid-interview but wants to continue from where they left off.

Pre-Condition: The user is logged in and answering a question.

Post-Condition: The user is able to continue their session seamlessly from where they left off.

Main Success Scenario

  1. The user is actively answering a question.
  2. The user accidentally exits the Whiteboard Assistant tab.
  3. The user reopens Whiteboard Assistant and logs back in.
  4. The system prompts the user to restore their previous session.
  5. The user selects "Yes" to continue.
  6. The system restores the previous session, including whiteboard drawings and time remaining.